PE and Sport Premium
Sports Premium
We receive approximately £8500 of funding each year from the DfE to improve sports provision in school. With this funding, we have:
- Employed sports coaches to deliver PE in both Keys Stage One and Two.
- Employed sports coaches to deliver a wider range of sport-based after school clubs that are accessible to all.
- Enabled staff to observe and take part in coach-led sessions to develop practice and assessment of PE.
- Equipped the hall with improved gymnastic equipment, including wall bars.
- Subsidised swimming for Class 3 (including transport and pool hire).
- Employed an additional qualified swimming instructor.
- Subsidised our Class 4 outdoor pursuit residential trip for children with siblings on the same visit.
- Purchased additional games equipment.
Funding has provided a wide range of high quality CPD and has enabled the purchase of long-term resources, ensuring long-term sustainability of quality provision.
Spending of this funding is monitored annually by Governors.