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St James'Church of England

Primary School

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Well Dressing for the Malvern Spa Association 2022

We made it to the Worcestershire Play Offs, our netball team played brilliantly and we’re so proud of them.

Football and netball tournament at Dysons.

The Worship committee led collective worship all about Mothering Sunday.

A Mothering Sunday celebration in church to say 'Thank you' to all those who care for us.

Our worship committee led worship today. They spoke about Advent and the meaning of each candle on an Advent wreath.

Class 4 have been learning about different styles of Scandinavian art and artists. They looked at the work of Edvard Munch, in particular 'The Scream', and created their own versions.

A very British afternoon tea in Class 1 to ignite their new theme 'Best of British'.

Harvest 2021

Whole school singing September 2021

Still image for this video
What a joy to hear all our children back together and singing!

Welcome back everyone! September 2021

Meeting the author Sam Hay, whose book ‘Star in the Jar’, inspired our well dressing design.

Upton Bell Boating

Many thanks to Mr Edwards for sharing his drone footage of us bell boating.

Class 4 Bell Boating June 2021

GOLD award and the Shorstone Trophy for the annual Well Dressing in Malvern!!

Fabulous Forest School and keeping fit and healthy with the daily mile

Take a look at our wonderful school through photos!

Take a look at some of the exciting things that we get up to here at St. James’…
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Learning Together; Caring Together; Flourishing Together
