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Week 1 & 2

The children have been so busy the past 2 weeks. We have begun our new topic at the zoo which they are loving. The children have been creating their own zoo using different construction materials. We have then explored what we find at a zoo and why the animals are all separated. We will then continue to explore and compare zoo animals to wild animals in the next few weeks. In Literacy we have been reading the story Dear Zoo and create a text map set out like a letter. The children have been retelling it using actions. This will help them to write their own letters next week. In maths we have been counting beyond 20 and then moved on to adding. The children have been amazing and have even been writing number sentences. We are looking forward to another exciting week and hopefully open our outdoor area more as we have a lovely new playhouse to explore. 

2 3 8 1 4 Visitors

Learning Together; Caring Together; Flourishing Together
